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Posts from the ‘Writings’ Category

The Guns of Heck Thomas

Richard Bennett narrates tales of the OLD WEST.

Heck Thomas comes alive via the voice of Richard Bennett

The Guns of Heck Thomas. A western adventure by Douglas Cobb, narrated by Richard J. Bennett, available at … be sure to listen to the SAMPLE

Small Tales About Young Kids

Small Tales About Young Kids is a first person book about the kids in Richard’s neighborhood in Irving, Texas. These stories though will remind you of your own childhood and why you gave your parents prematurely gray hair. Laugh along with these kids and reminisce about your own upbringing.

Richard J. Bennett Narrates “A Life Worth Living”

Click this link to find “A Life Worth Living: Two Prayers and Six Miracles”.

A Life Worth Living by Marvin E. Harvey. Narrated by Richard J. Bennett

A Life Worth Living by Marvin E. Harvey. Narrated by Richard J. Bennett

Written by Marvin E. Harvey and narrated by the easy listening voice of Richard J. Bennett. Woven together with gentle flourishes of music, this impactful story of a struggling farm-boy will touch your heart and take you to a simpler time.

You can find the paperback version and the audiobook on of “A Life Worth Living: two prayers and six miracles”.

Click here to listen to a sample of  the book.  The audio is three hours of listening pleasure; in it you will hear the story of Marvin Harvey, how he escaped a poor, desperate , sharecropper existence and then came into a life worth living. Listen to how he succeeded in military service, rising to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer, how he met and married Willie McClendon, the girl he loved, how they raised their children, rescued a camp, built a church, served a community, and more! You’ll want to hear this; once you do you won’t be able to stop listening to “A Life Worth Living: two prayers and six miracles.”

The Mighty Hogs of Lovely High

There’s more than one crisis at Lovely High: A bad economy, budget cuts, business sponsorship drying up, losing football team, teacher lay-offs looming, a deflated spirit mired in tradition and local school values. How will Principal Brenda Kirby and her administration stop the school from spiraling into mediocrity? How will boys’ counselor Don Frerichs light the spirit back in LHS? Will school board president Rick Fairless support proposed changes for modernization, or will this east Texas city demand things remain as they are? What does it take for Coaches Kevin Fields and Les Oakes to keep their football team from having another losing season? And what about the mysterious nutcase who keeps setting fire to the school? Read it all here, in “The Mighty Hogs of Lovely High”!

This book is now available as an audio book.

Currently in Production

“The Mighty Hogs of Lovely High” is coming to (available through Amazon), where the whole book can be downloaded and listened to on Kindle, ipod, or whatever digital listening device you own.  Richard J. Bennett reads the story to you, providing the author’s original intent!

“The Mighty Hogs of Lovely High”

The newest fiction book is now available in printed and Kindle (e-book) format!  Go here to check it out & pick up a few dozen… !


The Mighty Hogs of Lovely High

Coming soon … The latest novel from the mind of Richard J. Bennett.  Stay Tuned!  Tentative date:  1 February ’14

Clarke Green Scoutmaster Blogger

This is Clarke Green. He has a wonderful blog about Scouting.  He interviewed Richard and it is a great listen. Not only will you discover the reasons for the book and how scouting impacted Richard’s life but you will also discover a great storyteller and someone who believes in the scouting program and it’s impact on young men – Clarke Green. So, sit back, relax and listen.

Clarke Green

Listen to the podcast.

Lovely Chocolate Mob Audio Book: NOW AVAILABLE!

That’s right. The Lovely Chocolate Mob is now available at

The Lovely Chocolate Mob Audio Book.

 Audio, The Lovely Chocolate Mob Audio Book

Mike, the Bike, and the Great Big Fight

This short story deals with a situation that most young boys find themselves involved in while establishing their boundaries.  It’s about marking their territory, and in keeping with this idea, the reader should enjoy this tale of a young boy trying to spread his wings.

The story is set in a suburban neighborhood of North Texas in the 1960’s; Mike and Randall both wanted to be the “King of the Neighborhood” among their playmates. See how this bigger-than-life problem (for a small boy) was finally solved.

This title is offered in e-book form only for  Amazon (Kindle). Click Here.Short story, Mike the Bike and the Great Big fight,